Molly’s dad lives a ‘whole plane ride away’ and she hasn’t seen him since she was a baby. In lieu of real information about what he’s really like, Molly creates elaborate fantasies about him. When the other dads make visits to Molly’s classroom she explains that her dad is a famous artist, a jungle exporer, a tightrope walker and a brilliant carpenter. Molly’s mum is going away for a week and her dad is coming too look after her. He arrives, guitar and suitcase in hand, and is gregarious, noisy and smiley. Molly is unsure how she feels about him at first, but when the other children are enchanted by his storytelling when he visits the school, Molly realises how great her dad is and how proud she is of him. They begin to bond closely and have fun together, and her dad tells her loving stories about their time together when she was a baby. When mum returns, dad flies home, but their bond remains strong and they keep in touch with letters and phone calls.
Molly and Her Dad

Author: Jan Ormerod
Illustrator: Carol Thompson
Publisher: Little Hare Books
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